The Missing, Antebellum & The Way Back #covidcinema

The only difference between the saint and the sinner is that every saint has a past and every sinner has a future. Oscar Wilde.

The ability to be in the present moment is a major component of mental wellness. Abraham Maslow

I have 3 movies for you today, my movie devotees: The Missing, Antebellum, and The Way Back.

If you answer “yes” to the questions below, cue up these movies for future viewing.

1. You believe it never works when people give traumatic events an expiration date and tell others to “Just get over it.”

2. You believe people are complicated and don’t fit into neatly color coded boxes.

3. You’ve been a Ben Affleck fan since the good will hunting days and would love to see his deeply personal performance in “The Way Back.”

4. You’ve been hankering to see some bad ass, balls to the wall, female actresses dominate the silver screen.

5. You have your own opinions about movies and do not drink the rotten tomatoes movie review haterade.

With that in mind, I give you my 2 cents about these 3 films who have garnered the “coveted” Perryman double armrest nod. 😉


1. Well written and emotionally gripping story of a young United States post civil war.

2. Command performances by especially Cate Blanchett and Jenna Boyd.

3. Stunning cinematography.

4. It shows how gender roles have not always followed status quo regardless of generation.

5. Peace and growth lies at the intersection of pain and connection.


1. Extremely unique and thought provoking horror film that tells history through suspended reality. It is almost as if the writer turned a fantastical nightmare into a movie.

2. The film has a Quentin Tarantino vibe with a glossy, stylized back to the future lens.

3. It’s not always easy to watch but there is definitely a payoff. There is an awesome soundtrack too.

4. An important message is clearly depicted: our history has shaped the bedrock of our modern culture and continues to permeate how we interact with each other.

5. Tremendous acting all around and this full figured gal would like to give a special shout out to Gabourey Sidibe and her stellar schooling of the lecherous in the restaurant scene.


1. Watch this movie even just to see Ben in his big boy acting britches. Damn, this is the best I’ve seen him. His range from a thousand watt grin to a despairing alcoholic was deeply felt.

2. The ensemble was strong and the story was very believable.

3. The film is a 21st century Emo Hoosiers. Barbara Hershey and Gene Hackman would be proud.

4. One gripe: the band at the playoff game was great but they didn’t show them or give them any screen time. Not nice. How many more shots of the cheerleaders and bleachers did we need? Jeez, man.

5. There were some really funny moments amidst the overall somber timbre. It was a thoughtful (almost feel good movie) for our new decade.